We Facilitate Workforce Housing Solutions in the Truckee-Tahoe Region

We know that housing is a pillar of stability. Without proper housing our entire community is affected. Supporting our community is our number one priority.

Agency Mission

The mission of the Truckee Tahoe Workforce Housing Agency is to facilitate workforce housing solutions.

Agency Vision

We envision a thriving community where all local employees have access to quality homes that they can afford.

Who We Serve

TTWHA serves employees of its members agencies as well as other qualified employees within the geographic boundaries of the Truckee-North Tahoe Region. Primarily, the focus of TTWHA is to facilitate housing solutions for households in the “middle-income” bracket, defined as households making above traditional low-income levels of 80% AMI.



It all started with a burrito. In early 2018, over a breakfast burrito at a Mountain Housing Council meeting, our founding partners began discussions around what public agencies could do to support housing solutions in the region. This conversation was proceeded by a year and a half of analysis and due diligence, leading to the formation of the Truckee Tahoe Workforce Housing Agency. The agency was formed through a Joint Powers Authority (JPA) to create a legally binding pathway for local public agencies to comingle resources and address workforce housing needs through a collaborative approach.

The agency’s founding members include Tahoe Forest Hospital District, Tahoe Truckee Unified School District, Truckee Donner Public Utility District, and the Truckee Tahoe Airport District. In 2021, the agency expanded to include Nevada County, Placer County, and the Town of Truckee.


Burrito Meeting


Agency is Founded!


Long-term Rental Program Launched


Public Agency Land Mapping Exercise Conducted


Member Agency Expansion


Home Purchase Navigation Services Launched


New Strategic Direction Approved!

What is a JPA

Joint Powers Authorities (JPAs) are legally created entities that allow two or more public agencies to jointly exercise common powers. Forming such entities may not only provide a creative approach to the provision of public services, but also permit public agencies with the means to provide services more efficiently and in a cost-effective manner.

Truckee Tahoe Workforce Housing Agency was formed as a Joint Powers Authority to more easily and effectively provide housing and related programs for partner agency employees.

TTWHA Member Agencies

Learn more about our housing solutions and opportunities